Solidarity message of ZAMSOF’s Gershom Kabaso* to the PCFS 4th GA
Essentially, it is a reality that the assembly is here now, where there are a lot of expectations and eagerness to rekindle the spirits of activism around joint work of food sovereignty globally. This gathering binds us together for a unity of purpose, a union of common interest and oneness in our food, land and water social struggles. Rest assured that the continental joint efforts and spirit of activism support is bestowed upon you all present in Thailand, despite [myself] not being present with you today.
IMF-WBG and Landgrabbing: Funding Rural Peoples’ Destitution
Paper read by Rafael V. Mariano, Chairperson Emeritus of Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP; Peasant Movement of the Philippines) at the Peoples’ Global Conference against IMF-World Bank.